
COYSA Referee-in-Chief
Al Ryder

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Small sided Scheduler - Irelyn Irvine 

Divisional and Select Scheduler - Al Ryder

Al also schedules refs for BCSPL, KWSL, TOYSL, KMSL, O45, COYSA Indoor

Our courses are offered through BC Soccer so you register through them. The instructions link is below. If the participant is 12 - 13 they should take the Small Sided course, if 14 or older then the Entry Level course. You have to attend all sessions in a course, you can not mix the sessions between the courses. 


For 2023:

Fees paid range from $20 - $32.50 per game for small sided games and from $30 - $80 for full sided games.

Are you interested in becoming a soccer referee? We have 5 approved courses to offer at this time. If you are 12-13 you have to complete the Small Sided Clinic. If you are 14 or older then you should complete the Entry Level Clinic. For new referees COYSA will provide a referee kit once you complete your course and will also reimburse you for your course fees with your May payroll (providing you have refereed a minimum of 5 games in April / May).

You can not mix and match dates between courses. You have to attend and complete all aspects of the course you register for. This means if you register for course 1 and can not make one of the sessions you can not attend the session in course 2 to make up for it.

Courses are offered by BC Soccer and are usually a combination of online and in person training. You must complete the entire course in order to pass and become a certified referee. If you are 12 or 13 years old you have to take the small sided course which you can find information about, and register for by clicking: HERE. If you are 14 years old or older then take the Entry Level Course which has information by clicking HERE (note the course is being updated and does not have zoom sessions, rather there is an online portion plus an 8 hour in person session.


Small sided courses are now available to register for.

Entry Level Courses are not available yet.


Scheduled Small Sided courses:

February 23, 2025 -  8:30am - 3:30pm - Hosted at KSS

March 23, 2025 - 8:30am - 3:30pm - hosted at KSS

April 13, 2025 - 8:30am - 3:30pm - Hosted at AS Matheson School


Scheduled 2025 Entry Level Courses (not available to register yet)

March 22 - 8:30am - 3:30pm - Hosted at KSS

April 12 - 8:30am - 3:30pm - Hosted at AS Matheson School  



Small Sided Clinic Registration Instructions:Click Here


PAYMENT: Full payment ($69.46) is required for registration approval. Incomplete payment will result in withdrawal from the course if not completed within 48hrs.

IMPORTANT: This course is 16hrs long and consists of an online exam and a practical session. Registration will close 5 days prior to the course start date. Immediately after you register, please:

      1. Login to your Ref Centre student account.
      2. Download and review the Course Documentation PDF from the Documentation Tab.
      3. Follow the instructions on the right side of the home page to begin the course.

To receive full credit, students must pass the exam (score >=70%) and attend the 7hr practical session NO EXCEPTIONS. Please be mindful of the required course time commitment & confirm your availability for the practical session before registering.


Entry Level Clinics Registration Instructions:Click Here


  • Applicants enrolling in Entry Level Clinics must be 14 years of age on or before December 31 of the current year. This is a firm requirement set by Canada Soccer

For further information or if you have any questions, please contact:

Al Ryder

Head Referee - COYSA/KWSL

Referee scheduling for COYSA, BCSPL, KWSL, TOYSL, KMSL, O45, COYSA Indoor

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Interested in becoming a referee but missed the courses? Add yourself to the list at Referee Course List and we will notify you when more courses are being offered.

12 Great Reasons to become a Soccer Referee

1. Love of the game - Most officials start out as athletes or sports fans or both. We truly enjoy the intricacies of the sports we work. As an official, you won’t just be watching any more, you’ll be part of the game, with the best view in the house.

2. Stay Active - Maybe you want to stay engaged and a part of the game you loved to play, or maybe you are looking get more engaged in the game your kids are playing. Either way, being an official will give you access to, and an appreciation for, the rules and strategies of the games you officiate like nothing else can.

3. Get in the game - Who doesn’t like getting paid to exercise? You won’t need much motivation to work out through officiating because as you get in better shape, you’ll become a better official.

4. Give Back - Most officials feel that they have gotten something important from their sport before becoming an official. Many officials like to pay it forward to the sport for what it has given them. Officiating is also a way to guide and enrich the lives of the athletes who are playing, by teaching the value of sportsmanship and fair play.

5. Extra Money - There is no better part-time job or hobby for you to make extra money doing something you enjoy than through officiating. It’s the perfect extra gig for anyone from a high school student, to a parent to a retiree.

6. Challenge - Every game — no matter the venue, player abilities or teams — is a challenge. Nothing is mundane. It’s a rush to be in the moment and have to make the big decision.

7. Escape - Once you step onto the field everyday problems seem to fade away. Although no official would say the job is stress-free, it also provides stress relief from your daily life because after all, it is the sport you love.

8. Camaraderie and Community - The fellowship and humor officials share with one another are incomparable. You’ll quickly realize there is no community like officials. When it comes down to it, during a game, your only true friends are the officials you’re working with. Many of them will become your closest friends — lifelong friends.

9. Life Skills - Officiating teaches independent thinking and the ability to see the big picture — a skill that translates outside of officiating. It also requires the dedication, togetherness and ability to work as team that is important everywhere.

10. Fortitude - Officials learn how to have inner strength and self-confidence. With the whistle in your hand, knowing you’re the last line of defense between sport and chaos forces you to step up.

11. Opportunity - Officials are often identified and associated with the sport(s) they work and recognized for it outside of officiating. Even if people don’t know you specifically, many people associate officiating with trustworthiness, impartiality, dedication and integrity… all qualities that can open doors for you in other areas of life.

12. Excitement - Great games, talented players and hair-raising moments will become commonplace in your life, and you’ll be right in the middle of them. Officiating provides goosebumps in spades. If you like adrenaline, you can get it here.
Referee FAQ
Do I have to be able to go to all fields that COYSA has games?
No, you are able to designate fields you are willing to work at and only be scheduled at those locations.
What if I also play?
Our scheduling program allows you to block your team, division or any time you are not available so you basically pick when and where you are available to referee.
How much does refereeing pay?
You will make at least $20 per hour of refereeing and up to $40 per hour as you progress.
How do I register?
You can register for the courses below by going to then click on the appropriate course and search for Kelowna. If the attendee is 14 years old or older at the time of the course they should take the Entry Level course. The Entry level course involves 17 modules of self study online, a 2.5 hour webinar and 3.5 hour in person session. If the attendee is 12 or 13 years of age they need to take a Small Sided Course which involves 2 - 2 hour webinars and an on field session of 2 hours.
Will an entry referee start working as a center referee?
New small-sided referees start by refereeing U8, U9 and U10 games. Once they gain some experience, they can move to being an Assistant referee for U11 and 12 games. A new entry level referee will most likely not start as a center unless they have previous experience and confidence. We usually want to start a new referee as Assistant referees before setting them up as a center referee.
What does it cost to take a course?
Small-sided courses are $45 and Entry level is $136.
Do I have to buy referee stuff? What do I need?
You will need to purchase a referee kit that includes a couple jerseys, shorts, socks, a whistle, cards, and a watch. We have an agreement with a local company that will get this for you for about $100.

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