Reffing Indoor

COYSA Indoor Refereeing

When selecting referees we considered these traits:

-How was their reliability over the past year in terms of showing up to their assigned games, confirming assignments in a timely manner, and cancelling assignments with enough warning that the scheduler can refill those assignments.

-Have they been listening to and implementing when applicable constructive feedback given by mentors or other senior officials

-Feedback from club schedulers.

Each of the referees selected to referee indoor will still had to attend a clinic in early October.

If you have any questions or concerns about this process please contact the COYSA Referee-In-Chief Al Ryder at 

Click HERE for the Indoor Rules

There are no officials for U6 and U8

There is only one official for U10-18.

Indoor Referee Scheduler:  Al Ryder 

NO SCORE is to be recorded on the score clock for U10 or U12.
SCORING U14-18 is to be recorded on the score clock to a MAXIMUM of 5 goals.

BOARDING:  This is a very serious and inherently dangerous offense.  Please remember that any contact by a player that forces an opponent to hit the perimeter wall will result in the offending player being shown the red card and sent off for boarding.

Also see the tab Myths/Tips/Clarifications for additional information.

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