TOYSL is an inter-district league between participating Clubs in the COYSA District and Clubs in the TOYDA District. Games run from the first of April until the end of June with provincials for qualifying teams taking place in July (usually).

COYSA = Central Okanagan Youth Soccer Assocation - includes communities of Kelowna, Lake Country, West Kelowna, Penticton

TOYDA = Thompson Okanagan Youth District Association - includes communities of Vernon, Kamloops, Salmon Arm, Revelstoke

TOYSL = Thompson Okanagan Youth Soccer League

To clarify abbreviations on TOYSL schedules that may come up:

KCFC or KCITY = Kelowna City FC - in Kelowna

KUFC = Kamloops United FC - in Kamloops

KYSA = Kelowna Youth Soccer Association - in Kelowna

OFC = Okanagan FC - in Kelowna

OUFC = Okanagan United FC (formerly KU) - in Kelowna

PFC = Pinnacles FC - in Penticton

RYSA = Revelstoke Youth Soccer Association - in Revelstoke

SYSA = Shuswap Youth Soccer Association - in Salmon Arm

SQ = Soccer Quest - in Kamloops

VU = Vernon United - in Vernon

WYSA = Westside Youth Soccer - in West Kelowna


TOYSL's website is

TOYSL's Administrator is Cindi

TOYSL rules are HERE


Score Reporting

The home team must enter the score into QScriptor for U14+ by 10pm on game day. If you are missing scores, please enter them as soon as possible. Score reporting help can be found HERE.


ID Cards

ID cards are required for all U14+ players and team officials. Each team must present their ID cards to the referee. ID cards can be downloaded to a mobile device or printed. See HERE for digital ID card help and HERE for printing help.


Match Sheets

The home team must print 2 match sheets and present one to the visiting team to verify and one to the referee. Match sheets are available for printing the day before. Match sheet help can be found HERE.



Abuse of officials will NOT be tolerated. If you have concerns regarding a referee, please email myself and it will be forwarded to the relevant head referee for review.


9 V 9 Ball Size

All 9 v 9 games will be played with a size 5 ball.



Referees will have zero tolerance for jewelry. This means all jewelry must be removed (no taping over earrings).



Team officials must take an active role in maintaining discipline on the sidelines and will be held responsible for activities that take place their by those affiliated with their club.


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